Friday 19 December 2014

Go Marvel!

No this is not a post on the old Marvel versus DC argument...that one's for another time I'm afraid!

Today I spent some time with some great friends before going off on Christmas holidays. One of the biggest themes of conversation was travel. Countries we'd been to, countries we're going to, countries we dream of going to, where in the world we're going to get the money to go to all these countries... And so on.

Later, while doing the dishes, my housemate commented to me how interesting she found it that so many people have this desire embedded  within them to go places, to see the world. I think she made a fair point.

I don't know what your religious affiliation is but here's my stance- I believe in a God who created me and created this entire world. And I don't believe that He created for his art to go unseen. I don't think that He would create a beauty like the Northern Lights for no one to ever experience that beauty. Honestly, I don't know much about art or artists but do they ever spend time crafting an incredible piece of work and then not show it to anybody? I wouldn't think it. So I don't think that God did either. He created for us, His prize creation, to enjoy His art. And so, that's where I think this longing deep within us comes from to experience the world.

They say that that travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer. (On a side note: Does anyone else ever wonder who they are and where they got all this wisdom from?) From my experience, they're pretty spot on. When you travel you get this incredible opportunity to catch a glimpse of what an incredible mind our Creator has. You see the different people, the different landscapes, the different cultures that he has dreamed up. You see that His mind is not limited to one skin colour, one eye colour, one hair colour.

So that's why I say "Go marvel! Go, see His creation and wonder at it!" After all, we were created with feet to be able to move, not roots like trees to stay in one place forever. (I'm fairly sure that is also something that they said!)

Until next time,

Lou Mac


Wednesday 17 December 2014

Eh...scratch what?

I guess I should probably clarify why in the world this blog is called 'Scratch that!' Seems kind of weird, doesn't it? What exactly is 'that' and why are you scratching it?

'That' is a a scratch map and I am scratching it because that's what you do when you have been to a certain country, you scratch it off on your map! Pretty cool right? If you feel that you need one in your life you can get it right here: 

Currently my own map is looking a little bit bland, with only a few places in Europe as well as Sierra Leone in Africa having been scratched off, but the plan is to have it full of colour with time and the point of this blog is to take you on those journeys with me!

Over the next few days/weeks I'll fill you in on my minimal travels to date and maybe even throw in a few lessons learnt along the way! 

Before that though, I'll give you a brief introduction on the basics of who I am!

Name: Louise
Age: 20 
Birth country: Northern Ireland
Occupation: Full time student at Queen's University Belfast studying International Business with Spanish

For now, I think those are the main things-the rest you'll find out as we go along!

Until next time :)

Lou Mac